Many videos feature George Walther
as a Business Authority
Some of the examples here link to other publishers’ libraries, so use your browser’s “back” button to return here and snatch more bite-sized nuggets of business wisdom.
Customer Service In A Canoe:
Paddling a canoe with your child can yield surprisingly simple insights about how to best serve your customers.
Tasty Creativity Kicker:
A simple way to order your next restaurant meal that will grow your brain and kick up your capacity for creative thinking.
Gut-Level Leadership:
How your gut instincts can guide you to make good hiring decisions, craft uncommonly successful marketing strategies… and save your life.
Trash and Your Image:
Just picking up a piece of litter impacts your image and helps you attract good fortune. Karma doesn’t wait until you’re dead.
Here’s the 2008 version of my preview video.
Quit Spending!
One simple word change will help you quit spending and start investing… and enjoying!
Power Talking:
You can consciously decide to alter the image you project, just by changing your word choices.
It’s About Time:
How you talk about “time” determines what you’ll accomplish with it.